March 13, 2024 Viewing all things through the lens of the True and the beautiful!
The TrueI Will Come to You “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you” (Jn. 14:18). John 14 reads like the script of a blockbuster movie! The God of the universe so loves a fallen world that He sends His only son to rescue that world and also prepare a heavenly home for those He rescues. It is a perfect plan we have discussed before, and it involves God choosing you, coming to you, and rescuing you! If that were the whole plot, it would be amazing! We would be the object of the Almighty God’s affection, and we would live with Him happily ever after! But the truth is that God came to you not simply to rescue you and be with you, but also to move through you! He made you His child and enlisted you in His mission to reach others! If that were not true, why would it be necessary to send the Holy Spirit as your helper and advocate (Jn. 14:15-31)? If being rescued was the end of the story, it would still be beautiful, but there would be no mission that requires the assistance of a holy advocate. Our rescue was simply the curtain for the first intermission of God’s perfect plan. Yes, it is true that the work on our behalf was fully accomplished on the cross, and there is nothing we can add to it. However, that finished work opened the door for God’s work on behalf of others to flow through us! He did not leave you and me as orphans, and He wants to work through you and me to do the same for others! There are countless ways this plays out, and a myriad of ways for you to walk in the blessing that is participation in God’s plan. Scripture repeatedly reminds us that God will relentlessly pursue each of us, but it is striking how often this pursuit is focused on the widow, the orphan, the poor, the oppressed, and the vulnerable. As you and I revel in the gift of being invited to play a role in God’s epic story, let’s together consider how to impact things close to His heart. For our family, the mission looks a lot like John 14:18, and we are working to grow in the grace of mimicking our Father’s love for the orphan. There are many ways to embrace this mission, but I suggest starting within your church community. Who is already serving in foster care or adoption, and how might you be able to support them? If you feel called deeper into this work, we invite you to join us in supporting families who are adopting from foster care through A Fearless Life. Or perhaps God is calling you to personally go to the orphan. As one who resisted that call for years, I encourage you to be sensitive to God’s voice and to respond with eagerness when you hear it! Maybe your invitation is geared toward the widow, the poor, the oppressed, the vulnerable, or any number of others who God is pursuing. One thing is certain: He is calling you. He came to you, He called you His own, and He sent the Holy Spirit because He wants to use you to reach those He loves. To whom is God calling you? Go to them. World Groaning in HaitiThe prime minister of Haiti, Ariel Henry, will resign amid escalating violence and chaos in the country. Henry announced his planned resignation from Puerto Rico, where he is stranded because of the danger of returning to Haiti. He will be replaced by a nine-person presidential council, which will appoint an interim prime minister and move to hold a new election (Henry was unelected, and assumed the post after Haiti’s president was assassinated in 2021). Residents of Haiti continue to endure extremely volatile conditions as armed gangs clashed with government figures and businesses seen as friendly to the government. The gangs targeted the National Palace and called for a “bloody revolution.” Analysis and eternal perspective: “When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan” (Pr. 29:2). History is replete with evidence of this truth. When governing authorities exercise wisdom, selflessness, and righteousness, the people within their jurisdiction flourish. But when greed, selfish ambition, and folly mark a government or its leaders, chaos abounds. Haiti has been a troubled country for some time, but the absence of elections and the increased influence of gangs has led to a nightmare for Haitians. As we pray for those trapped amid the violence, let us also heed the context of Proverbs 29 by endeavoring to learn from constructive critique (v. 1), embrace wisdom and flee corrupt company (v.3), and prioritize justice and care of the poor over mocking and selfish gain (vv. 4,7,8). The ramifications of poor leadership are often plainly evident. For those of us living in a system of self-governance, it is both cause for rejoicing and soberness to note that the state of our culture is a reflection of our own collective spiritual wellbeing. Let’s together as The Equipped community model a devotion to righteousness that promotes rejoicing and eases groaning. U.S. Actions and TruthPresident Joe Biden delivered the annual State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress gathered in the U.S. House of Representatives chamber Thursday evening. U.S. Senator Katie Britt from Alabama delivered the Republican response. The two addresses were, predictably, in stark contrast to each other and largely focused on the upcoming November elections. Both President Biden and Senator Britt proposed a path forward for border security, crime, the economy, foreign affairs, and more. Analysis and eternal perspective: Much of the coverage of every State of the Union address (including the response) is now focused on the “delivery” and how effectively the President (and in this case, the Senator) communicated his or her message. While it is certainly true that skill and effective communication is often part of achieving a worthwhile goal, it is easy to let this focus override a serious evaluation of the track record on any given issue. 1 John 3:18 says, “Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” In a governing sense, this means we should look past the flowery words of political speeches, and instead test the actions and the results of those entrusted with authority over us. Both major parties in America have wielded significant political power in recent years, and wisdom calls for a careful evaluation of all that has resulted from being entrusted with such a sacred responsibility. It also means self-reflection. Do our lives—in both word and deed—reflect Jesus’ invitation to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” and to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt. 22:37-29)? You and I often remind ourselves of the blessings of liberties. One of those blessings is that the first step to national and cultural course correction always belongs to us! A State of the Union address, along with a response to it, can highlight where things have gone wrong, and even where leaders need to change direction. But the first action to take is ours, and it is one of actively and truly loving our neighbor as much as we love ourselves! U.S. Ti(c)k To(c)kThe U.S. House of Representatives is expected to approve a bill that would require Bytedance, the parent company of TikTok, to divest its ownership of the popular app within 165 days or face being banned in the United States. The concern over TikTok is rooted in national security and the influence the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has over Bytedance. Both parties, including former President Trump and President Biden have supported restrictions on TikTok, though the former President expressed second thoughts shortly before the House vote. If the bill is also approved by the U.S. Senate, President Biden has indicated he will sign it into law. Analysis and eternal perspective: It can be difficult to balance security concerns with the preservation of liberty. This dynamic can be observed in public policy deliberations on everything from cybersecurity to law enforcement to border security. As it pertains to this story, there is widespread consensus that the CCP exerts its influence over Bytedance to access information about Americans who use TikTok. While policymakers grapple with how to respond to this consensus from a governing perspective, you and I should commit to heeding Proverbs 14:8, which says, “The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways, but the folly of fools is deception.” Prudence is defined as, “the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason.” In other words, we should exercise the self-discipline offered by the Holy Spirit in 2 Tim. 1:7. We may or may not agree with the governing course of action ultimately decided by our leaders. But you are free, regardless of their decision, to exercise prudence and self-discipline in all that you do. The Beautiful Bounty“You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance” (Ps. 65:11). May you be keenly aware of the abundance of God’s blessings on you this week!
Are you overwhelmed by the news? Do you want to be informed about but not inundated by world events? Join The Equipped community, and together we will consider a portion-controlled dose of headline news, but always through the lens of the True and the beautiful, and with an eye toward how you can make a eternal difference!
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