March 27, 2024 Viewing all things through the lens of the True and the beautiful!
The TrueHerald Proclaim. Announce. Tell. Trumpet. Herald. Declare. These are all words to describe a posture and a mission that became yours as Jesus’ time in human form was coming to an end. We know it as the Great Commission, and in Mark 16:15, it begins with the words, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” That charge should have significant authority in your life for many reasons, including of course the fact that it is the final instruction left by our Savior. But let’s zoom in for a moment on the rather significant shift in focus this charge represents. Up until this moment, Jesus’ ministry was focused on informing the people—and especially the disciples—about God, and about Jesus’ relationship to the Father. It was one of educating about the reality that God the Father is the only way to salvation, Jesus the Son is the only path to that salvation (Jn. 14:6), and, as a parting gift of sorts, the Holy Spirit is sent by the Father at the request of the Son to help us work out that relationship (Jn. 14:26). To be sure, this educational process should be a lifelong pursuit, and it continues to this day. Paul writes in Philippians 3:8 that everything except knowing Christ Jesus is loss! This is a New Testament echo of the Old Testament encouragement we find in Jeremiah 29:13 that we will find God (and know Him) when we seek Him with all our heart. We should yearn to know more of God. We should desire to know His face, His character, and His heart. This pursuit sits at the foundation of what it is to be a Jesus follower, and it was the primary focus of Jesus’ time on Earth. It is a pursuit we should carry on for all our days. But in this moment, there is a posture shift. There is a new and distinct responsibility layered on, and it is an exhilarating one. In this moment, while nothing about pursuing intimacy with God is reduced, your role in heralding the greatest story ever told expands and explodes in significance. In this moment, you are not simply tasked with pursuing God, and with knowing Him, but you are charged and commissioned with proclaiming, announcing, and declaring Him to the world. In this moment, you move from being the object of God’s affection into the active role of being the vessel through which that affection can reach the world! It is a moment of not just addition to your identity in God, but multiplication! You have likely heard it is the mission of a Jesus follower to “know God and make Him known.” The expression is supported all throughout scripture, but perhaps most succinctly in John 17:3 (“Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent”) and Acts 20:24 (“My only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace”). You have the unimaginable privilege of pursuing a more intimate relationship with your Creator and God every single day. If that were the entirety of your relationship with God, it would be infinitely wonderful. But on top of that wonder, He has given you the position of a herald! He has invited you to announce, and declare, and even trumpet to the world that Jesus is Lord! He has invited you to be the connective tissue that carries His great work to the world’s great need! There is no greater calling, and it is yours! Go tell it on the mountains! World Terrorist Attack in RussiaAt least 137 people are dead, more than 180 are wounded, and four men are in custody after an attack on a concert hall near Moscow, Russia. The attack occurred just weeks after the United States informed Russia of intelligence that a terrorist attack was imminent. The Islamic State terror group is claiming responsibility for the attack, and the U.S. and France have indicated a belief that the Afghanistan-based ISIS-K is responsible. Analysis and eternal perspective: How can you, as a Jesus follower, live free of fear in a world like ours, clearly rife with evil? That question is front at center for many of us when confronted with stories like this one. Scripture is full of promises of safety and protection (Ps. 121:7 says, “The Lord will keep you from all harm,” and Pr. 18:10 says, “The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe,” just to name a couple of many). Our God’s strength is unmatched, and He is absolutely capable of keeping us physically safe. We should call on God for this purpose, and if you are like me, you do so on a regular basis. Scripture invites us to call on, and rest in, the physical protection of our God, and we should accept that invitation today. Even so, how are we to hold in tension the fact that evil in the world does in fact inflict physical harm on so many? How is it that we can and should feel secure in the protection of God when evil seems to triumph in such a sweeping way? How can our faith be strong when God’s hedge of protection, as it is described in Job 1:10, is lifted? 1 John 2:17 provides an answer: “The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.” Friends, our God can guard your physical safety, and you should call on Him to do so. However, your confidence and security are not in this physical body that is surely passing away. Your confidence is in the fact that your eternal security is rooted in something and someONE beyond the reach of the evil in this present world. There is clearly evil in our world, and it has some leash on this side of eternity. But that evil cannot touch or alter your eternal reality, so you can be free from fear! As we bask in that security today, let us also be clear-minded about the reality of evil in our world, and intentional about supporting in prayer those who have been directly impacted by it. World A Disagreement Among FriendsThe strong alliance between the United States and Israel suffered a setback for a second consecutive week when the U.S. declined to exercise its veto power over a United Nations Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. As one of the permanent members of the Security Council, the U.S. has traditionally blocked measures aimed at Israel, and the decision to allow this one to pass caused Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to cancel his planned trip to Washington this week. The disagreement between the two governments comes the week after a related public spat between Prime Minister Netanyahu and U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. Analysis and eternal perspective: It sounds like a broken record, but once again, this story affords us the opportunity to view the war between Israel and Hamas through the lens of scripture we established at the outset of the war. I encourage you read through our four-part framework again, with a particular focus on the biblical support for it. This story particularly underscores the final portion of the framework and reminds us of the significant impact of decisions made by the U.S. As we acknowledge the first three components of the framework (The Jewish people are God’s chosen people, every person has eternal value, and authorities have a duty to protect those in their charge), it helps illustrate the fourth point and how a decision like this one has a broader impact than just domestic politics. This story is an opportunity to reaffirm our understanding about God’s covenant with the Jewish people, and to rejoice for the covenant relationship available to all people through Jesus. It is also a reminder to pray for those under constant threat of antisemitic attack, as well as those suffering from the dire consequences of war in the region. U.S. Running MateA presidential candidate has made his selection of a running mate, but that candidate is neither President Joe Biden nor former President Donald Trump. Instead, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who is running as an Independent, announced lawyer and philanthropist Nicole Shanahan as his vice presidential selection. Kennedy said his selection was made in part to ensure the younger generation has a voice. Shanahan is 38, which makes her more than 30 years younger than Kennedy (70), nearly 40 years younger than Trump (77), and more than 40 years younger than Biden (81). Analysis and eternal perspective: Kennedy’s early selection of a running mate increases the likelihood he will qualify for the ballot in a majority of states. It is also likely that a ticket under the No Labels party will qualify in a majority of states. This may present a significant wrinkle in what is otherwise a very familiar rematch of the 2020 elections. While Kennedy trails both Biden and Trump by a significant margin in recent polls, his support is very clearly strong enough to have a material effect on the race. As Jesus followers, we should be careful to avoid getting too caught up in the personality contests and palace intrigue that dominate the coverage of vice-presidential selections. It is prudent, however, to weigh the statements and positions of all candidates for public office against the unchanging truths of scripture. This story is also a reminder to be grateful for the bountiful blessing of liberty, and to endeavor to steward well the gift of self-governance. Similar to our approach with other controversial stories, we should commit to a sober evaluation of the facts, track record, and character for every candidate on the ballot. The Beautiful Notice and Nurture“For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow, so the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations” (Is. 61:11). May you notice and nurture even the smallest signs of flourishing in your life this week!
Are you overwhelmed by the news? Do you want to be informed about but not inundated by world events? Join The Equipped community, and together we will consider a portion-controlled dose of headline news, but always through the lens of the True and the beautiful, and with an eye toward how you can make a eternal difference!
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