Wealth - September 4, 2024

September 4, 2024

Viewing all things through the lens of the True and the beautiful!

The True


Tom was correct. I am wealthy. So are you.

Tom and I were discussing pigs, of all things. Tom is a neighbor and friend, and we joined with a third neighbor this year to purchase feeder pigs. Each family acquired one male and one female pig in the early spring, and now—nearly 300 pounds later—they are nearly fully grown out.

But Tom had bad news, “I’m down to one pig.” Tom’s female pig had suddenly passed away.

I was pretty devastated to hear the news. I know from personal experience how disappointing it is to be raising an animal, and to invest time, money, and energy into caring for them, only to have a predator or illness intervene. Even when the end goal is food for your family, it is an investment of care and concern to raise animals, and I felt badly for Tom and his family, and for the pig.

But Tom’s response was on point, “I am wealthy. So are you.”

At first, I was taken aback. When the word “wealthy” comes to mind, I would not have immediately associated Tom with it. I certainly would not have ascribed that label to myself! And yet, as we continued to talk, it was so obviously true—both Tom and I are indescribably wealthy in so many ways!

We both have a relationship with the almighty God, and as a result, our eternity is secure in a place where thieves cannot steal it (Matt. 6:19-21)! That makes us wealthy!

Tom meant it in that way, yes, but he meant more than that. He meant it in a material sense, as well. He said, “I still have one pig, and even if I didn’t, I have the luxury of working to try to raise my own food. That makes me wealthy!”

Wow! What perspective. It was impossible to argue with. Just that fact alone—the fact Tom has the resources to attempt something as simple as raising his own food—places Tom among the financially “wealthy” in our world. So, while I was sad he had lost a pig, Tom was happy because he knew he was truly wealthy!

In 2 Corinthians 6:10, Paul says that servants of God who have nothing still possess everything! It is all a matter of how you define “wealth.” If you define wealth as I instinctively did, it is infinitely elusive. There will never be enough. But if you define it as Paul and Tom did, the fact that you have a relationship with Jesus Christ makes you wealthy no matter your financial situation!

So, are you wealthy? If you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, the answer is a resounding yes! If you do not, begin a relationship with Him today. It is the only way to be truly wealthy!


Six Hostages Killed

Six hostages who had been held by Hamas since October 7, 2023 were killed in a tunnel beneath Rafah this week. The victims were slain shortly before Israeli Defense Forces reached them. The killings ignited large-scale protests in Israel, as desperation to bring the remaining hostages home alive intensifies.

Meanwhile, Israel and Hamas agreed to a series of short-term and limited ceasefires in order for children in Gaza to be vaccinated against polio. The agreement was reached after the disease was confirmed present in Gaza for the first time in a quarter century.

Analysis and eternal perspective: Every person is made in the image of God and has eternal value (Gen. 1:27). This truth makes both the callous slaying of hostages and the outbreak of devastating disease cause for mourning. That is not to draw a moral equivalence between the two, as the brutal disregard for human life displayed by Hamas is nothing short of evil.

As Jesus followers, we should grieve with the families of the victims and pray for the safe return of the remaining hostages. We should also pray for peace and the health of all in the region, and that the Good News of the Gospel would point many toward eternal flourishing. Peace of that kind seems far off and would require a conquering of the evil being perpetrated by Hamas. Yet we serve a God whose love is never-failing (Ps. 136)—a God who “immense patience” to us is “an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life” (1 Tim. 1:16).

It feels like an impossible tension to hold. But let us together mourn with those who mourn, be clear-eyed about the evil on display in our world, and remain firm in our conviction that God has called each and every person to a saving knowledge of Himself.


Paralympics in Paris

The 2024 Paralympic Games are underway in Paris, France. The Games, which commenced shortly after the 2024 Olympic Games concluded and are being held in many of the same venues, feature more than 4,000 of the world’s best athletes competing with a disability. There are 22 sports being contested in this year’s Games, and you can view an inspiring collection of photos from the first several days of competition here.

Analysis and eternal perspective: Both the Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games should be cause for celebrating God’s goodness in creation, and the wondrous gifts He has placed in each of us. The Paralympic Games are particularly stunning in this regard, as the athletes competing demonstrate true excellence in physical disciplines they could have easily dismissed as too challenging or out of reach. It is a shining example of embracing the gift of being fearfully and wonderfully formed by the Creator’s hand (Ps. 139:14).

If you have a chance to take in any of the Paralympic Games this week, celebrate the truly remarkable achievement of these athletes in the face of great adversity. But also take notice of the ways in which you are specifically and intentionally designed. Each of us embodies a unique mix of our Creator’s attributes and character, and that is not an accident! How are you to use your unique makeup in a way that praises His name?

You can praise and glorify God in a way that is beautifully distinct from me (or anyone else). Let’s together make those distinct expressions of His goodness our primary ambition!


Strife in South America

The controversial presidential election in Venezuela took yet another turn this week when an arrest warrant was issued for Edmundo Gonzalez, the opposition candidate who most of the world views as having defeated Nicolas Maduro. Maduro, however, has declared himself the victor and refused to relinquish power. Gonzalez appears to be in hiding and has not made any public appearances since election day.

Meanwhile, in Brazil, the Supreme Court has upheld a lower court’s decision to ban the social media platform X in the country. The decision includes a daily fine of $50,000 reais (approximately $8,900) for those who violate the ban.

Analysis and eternal perspective: Power and control are intoxicating. From the moment we draw breath, we are inclined to gather power unto ourselves and to seize as much control as we can muster. These individual inclinations, when not properly harnessed, lead to much broader and more destructive actions like a refusal to surrender power after an electoral defeat.

This desperation for power is directly connected to efforts to control the free flow of information. When a government tries to be the arbiter of truth, its motive is often cloaked in the pursuit of truth, but the effective result is the criminalization of dissent. It is certainly true that social media is a hotbed for the spread of untruth. But the most effective way to combat that reality is the free flow of information, not a central repository of censorship.

As Jesus followers who were created to be free (Gal. 5:1), we should stand for the right of those around the world to both choose their leaders and freely engage in public discourse—including dissenting views about their government. As we stand in solidarity with the right to dissent, we should also be a people who are fervently devoted to truth, as that is the only way to possess true freedom (Jn. 8:32).

The Beautiful


Psalm 104 is overflowing with examples of God’s goodness to us through His creation. Verse 14 reminds us both of our earlier conversation in The True as well as the beauty of the plant life that surrounds us: “He makes grass grow for the cattle, and plants for people to cultivate—bringing forth food from the earth.” Our image for this week is of elderberries, which are both beautiful and full of medicinal value. They are yet another example of the abundant wealth God provides for us from the Earth!

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