April 17, 2024 Viewing all things through the lens of the True and the beautiful!
The TrueTwo-Way Street Transformation is a two-way street. When you think of being transformed, you very likely think about the work God has done and continues to do in you. Rightly so! What a gift to serve a God who searched you out, and saw you not as you were, but instead viewed you through the perfection provided you by the work Jesus accomplished on the cross! That gift of being undeservedly viewed as without blemish is one we can, should, and will consider in greater depth at a future moment. It is described in 2 Corinthians 5:17 as being made into a “new creation!” It is also a foreshadowing of the day described in 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 when we will be eternally transformed “in the twinkling of an eye!” These are glorious promises of internal and personal transformations, and you and I are correct to revel in them! The transformation of our inner self sits at the very foundation of what it means to surrender to the Lordship of Jesus, and, if you are like me, it is a concept that continues to unfold and mature over the course of a lifetime. We will continue to explore the depths and the beauty of that internal transformation here at The Equipped in the days ahead. But I invite you today to consider the Truth that transformation is a two-way street. While it perhaps does not jump as immediately and readily to mind when you think about transformation, God’s plan to infuse you with His character is intended for more than just a change of your personal makeup and being. As with so many other gifts and blessings bestowed upon you by the Creator, you are designed not a reservoir for them, but a conduit! Your transformation is intended to be the transformation of others! Romans 12 is a beautiful portrait of this process. Verse 2 is the portion you are likely most familiar with, because it describes your personal change: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” But why? What is the purpose on this side of eternity of being transformed? The remaining 20 verses of Romans 12 (one preceding and 19 following) give the answer: It is so we can offer ourselves “as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God” (v. 1) in service to others. The rest of the chapter (you can read it in full here) is an encouragement to think of others above ourselves (v. 3), to use our giftings to benefit others (v. 4-8), to love and honor each other (v. 9-13), and to live in harmony with both friends and enemies (v. 14-21). In other words, you have been transformed in order that others may be transformed! I am constantly amazed at the multiplication attribute of God’s grace, mercy, and salvation. You are blessed so that you can bless. You are saved in order that others might be saved. You are loved that others would know love! Take a moment now to consider how your transformation should lead to another’s transformation. What is required to truly make that process a two-way street in your life? Perhaps the reminder from Mark 9:35 will help you as it has me: “Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” You are and continue to be transformed. Others will be transformed through you. How? Through the two-way street that is your counter-cultural service to them! World Iran AttacksIn a significant escalation of the war between Israel and Hamas, Iran fired more than 300 drones and missiles into Israel over the weekend. While most of the strikes were mitigated mid-flight by missile-defense systems, the attack represents yet another significant escalation in the war, and it is the first time Iran’s involvement has been direct rather than through a proxy. Iran described the attacks as “retaliatory,” while Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened his cabinet to consider how to respond. U.S. President Joe Biden condemned the Iranian attacks but discouraged a retaliatory strike. Analysis and eternal perspective: As we continue to consider this story through a framework rooted in biblical Truth, we are reminded how significantly the actions—or inactions—of world powers (and especially the world’s superpower) impact world events. Hamas has long been a prominent terror proxy of Iran, thereby invoking Iran in the October 7, 2023 attacks on Israel and the subsequent war. Even so, if there was any doubt about Iran’s commitment to destroying Israel, it is now eliminated and world leaders should behave accordingly. As for us, The Equipped, we should continue to stand on Truth (this is a good time to again read our framework and to grapple with the tension it holds) and find the beautiful in the midst of so much strife. This is a particularly difficult story in which to find beauty, but let us be reminded of God’s loving covenant, which was first to the Jewish people (Deut. 7:6-9) and is now offered to each of us who believes on Jesus (Heb. 13:20)! These two reminders, held together, offer an intensely beautiful picture of the day when all this wrong will be made gloriously right for eternity! U.S. A Plan for Foreign AidSpeaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Mike Johnson has, at long last, announced his plan for moving forward on a number of national security and foreign aid matters. The plan has some unique procedural components (i.e., moving four separate bills that are governed by a single rule), but is designed to result in House votes on four separate measures: 1) Funding for Israel, 2) Funding for Ukraine, 3) Funding for Taiwan, and 4) A catch-all measure including authorization for the seizing of Russian assets, loan-structured aid for Ukraine, and sanctions on Iran. If approved, the measures would need to be again considered by the U.S. Senate, as they do not precisely match measures previously approved in that chamber. Analysis and eternal perspective: The current political environment coupled with the razor-thin partisan margin in both legislative chambers has made it difficult to move any legislation. Foreign aid is particularly contentious, and there are extremely diverse viewpoints even within each of the Republican and Democrat caucuses. There are certain to be diverse opinions within our community here at The Equipped, as well. This dynamic is a good reminder to keep two things in focus: 1) It is a blessing of liberty to live in a time and place where this level of public debate and dissent is permitted and protected. This freedom is an aberration against the backdrop of human civilization and is anything but universal even in our current day. While this liberty is not always easy to navigate, the absence of free and open debate is a hallmark of oppression. Let us be grateful for that freedom today! 2) We should strive to focus on the merits of each debate rather than the palace intrigue that surrounds them. Much of the coverage of these stories will be around the political maneuvering of, and the consequences for, the involved political parties and personalities. We should be more interested in the merits of the underlying proposals. We gather each week to intentionally engage with difficult issues in a unique and Gospel-centric frame. This affords us a liberating posture free of fear and infused with power, love, and sound thinking (2 Tim. 1:7)! World An Eternal FlameThe 2024 Olympic Games are officially underway, at least in a sense. The games, to be held in Paris, France, will actually commence on July 26, 2024, but the torch for the games was lit in Olympia, Greece this week. The torch, carrying the “eternal flame,” will be carried from Olympia to Paris, arriving in time for the opening ceremony, and will be used to ignite the torch that will burn throughout the Games. Analysis and Eternal Perspective: The Olympic Games are among my earliest memories. I recall with vivid detail Olympic heroes and Olympic moments that seemed larger than life. There was, and is, something very special about an international gathering of athletes who have dedicated their lives to perfecting their craft for one—and many times only—chance at Olympic glory. Today, however, let’s together as The Equipped briefly consider the idea of an eternal flame. The Olympic flame carries symbolism and is meant to serve as a reminder of the Games’ ancient origins. The Bible uses similar symbolism over and over again, but take just a moment to reflect on three examples: 1) God is described as a “consuming fire” (Deut. 4:24, Heb. 12:29) 2) God’s judgement is described as an “eternal fire” (Matt. 25:41, Jude 1:7) 3) We are to be inspired by those who have gone before us in the faith (Heb. 12:1 describes them as “a great cloud of witnesses”) As the Olympic torch journeys to Paris, and as we enjoy the Games this summer, let’s together rejoice in a God who is truly eternal and has provided us rescue from eternal judgement, and let’s draw inspiration from the Jesus followers who have gone before us! The Beautiful Where it has Never BeenIt is the time of year when life springs forth seemingly from nothing! Color makes an appearance not only where it once was, but also where it has never been. In a fitting reflection of the Gospel story, this spread of spring life is only possible because of autumn’s death. It is just one of the Creator’s countless displays of rebirth, and is a vivid reminder of the transformation that is both available for us and that God wants to offer to others through us. As you take notice of new color in the world around you, embrace the truth of a God who loves you, pursues you, and invites you to join Him in a pursuit of others. My beloved spoke and said to me, “Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, come with me. See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me” (Song of Songs 2:10-13). Don’t forget to check out the broadcast version of The Equipped on Faith Radio or wherever you get your podcasts!
Are you overwhelmed by the news? Do you want to be informed about but not inundated by world events? Join The Equipped community, and together we will consider a portion-controlled dose of headline news, but always through the lens of the True and the beautiful, and with an eye toward how you can make a eternal difference!
February 12, 2025 Viewing all things through the lens of the True and the beautiful! Subscribe for FREE! Pay if you want--or don't! Podcast The True A Thin Line Less than two hours after swimming the best race of her life, she was in tears of disappointment. You can likely relate. Perhaps it is because of having competed in athletics, or maybe due to something that occurred in your professional career, or possibly even a personal ambition or goal. Regardless of the context, you almost...
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